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Oxlade 在尼日利亞拉各斯海岸呼吸音樂

俯瞰尼日利亞拉各斯風景如畫的海洋背景,Afrobeats 音樂家 Oxlade 在他最具代表性的元素中採取了一種強大但有點脆弱的立場,即水。與 Oxlade 的亮粉色、醒目印花和超大剪裁牛仔布並置,最後是他眾多紋身和大雪珍珠項鍊的前衛特寫,證明了他目前為自己建立的生活。性格開朗,性格古怪,性格平靜,神秘。  

他以 Ikuforiji Abdulrahman Olaitan 的身份出生,是他將自己的創造力或現實生活經驗注入的每一個項目的見證,他的觀眾對此讚歎不已。他發行了許多肯定會出現在您或您鄰居的播放列表中的單曲,包括“AWAY”、“DKT”,以及最近電台最受歡迎的 Dolapo 的“Interest”,其中包括班克斯女士和他本人。 

Words by  Marvin Merela


Creative Direction: Derrick Odafi

Producer Jonni

Photographer Guled Hassan

Art Director Annie Alvin

Movement Director Maycei-Anne St-Louis

Gaffer Myles Wilkinson

Gaffer's Assistant Ian Blackburn

MUA Summar Hunjan

Hairstylist Anoushka Danielle

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Talk to us about your new single S(EX)? 


Well my new single sex was written by Kehlani and Ant Clemons. 

It's about my sex life with my ex. Me and him love each other but just can’t be together.

How was it collaborating with Kehlani for the song? 


I actually just got sent the song - I didn't know she wrote it, it was her vocals. I thought it was a song she didn't keep so I got it but she actually wrote it. 


She liked it and she approved my version, so yeah it was pretty good. 

Congratulations on being with Roc Nation also - can you explain your process of getting signed? And how collaboratively you’ve felt supported?


So I got signed right before 2019. Omar, who is the president now, who is my AnR, literally saw me doing covers on Instagram and he liked what he saw, so he flew to Indiana, like a week before Thanksgiving and got dinner with me and I was signed literally like 3 weeks later. So then I flew to LA for a few months, and just never went back home, and now it's been almost like 4 years. 


They’ve helped me so much! Just guidance and putting me in sessions.I love working on music with Omar because he kind of just gets me and I love the sound that we’re creating together but I love having Roc Nation as a family so it's great.

Top, Yáng Yáng 

Skirt, Yáng Yáng 

Shoes, Topshop

The single debuted at New York fashion week, major congratulations! Would you describe yourself as somebody interested in fashion and if so, are there any designers you are looking out for? 


Yes, I'm still figuring out my style, I know what I like, but I’m still figuring out how to put it together on my own without the help of a stylist.


But I love it, I love the colors and the shapes and all that stuff.

Massive congrats on collaborating with Pharrell on your new project also - how was that experience and is there anything you can share with regards to the capacity of the work? 

Well my A&R Omar who signed me was in a meeting with him and played him some of my songs, and he said I was special or something and he wanted to work with me, so I ended up flying to Miami and went to his studio and we worked for like 2 days, and it was amazing. I loved working with him so much, there was no pressure, he was very positive and just exciting and warm to be around, and he wants to work on my album.

So more sessions with Pharell coming soon!

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Dress, PosterGirl 

Skirt, Lydia Green

Boots: Artist’s own


In keeping with your new project S(EX) - are there any surprising themes you’re thinking of addressing? Something we wouldn’t expect given the title? 


Yes, my next single ASMR, it's very expected given the title but I’ve never talked like that on a song. But I do love the song, and I'm very excited and nervous for people to hear it. 


How also would you describe the differences between this cycle and the one you experienced while creating Habits and Do Not Disturb? 


I think I just know what I want now, I'm still young but I was very young and into the music business then, and kinda just throwing out music trying to just to gain fans. Now I feel like I have established a core fanbase, and I think I'm just comfortable and more bold with my music, and things are just running a lot more smoothly than they have in the past

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What is your favorite song you’ve ever made and why?

Its called Sexual Love its featuring James Fauntleroy, it's the intro to my project, and I just really really love the song, I feel like if I heard somebody else put that song out, I'd be like I want that song for myself so I'm just so glad and lucky that I have it.

Who were your musical influences when growing up?


Growing up my family listened to a lot of soft rock like John Mayer, kinda like folky things, which is like the Indiana nostalgia I feel when I listen to those things. Going into middle school and high school all my friends played RnB, so like Jazmine Sullivan, Keyshia Cole, Beyonce and Brandy.

I was in love with Keri Hilson for a long time - I got into RnB when I was like 12/13 and then I just stuck with RnB. 


Lastly, What are you looking forward to most in 2023? Music and non music ?

I have so much music coming - I have my EP, my Kaytranada project that’s coming soon, Christmas project at the end of the year and then my album, so I have a lot of work to do but I’m just really excited.

I'm trying to take a trip to Rio - I’ve been wanting to go to Rio forever and I want to go for like a week or 2 and just be a tropical girl and get a tan.

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